Kupiansk Raion

Kupiansk Raion is a district in Ukraine in the Kharkiv Oblast. It is approximately 120 kilometers to the east of Kharkiv and 40 kilometers south of the border with the Russian Federation. The area of city Kupiansk is 33.43 km². Two settlements are located within the region: Kivsharivka and Kupensk-Uzlovoi. Data from the most recent regional census reports a population of 62 thousand inhabitants within the city limits of Kupiansk.

Kupensk and the inhabitants of district are served by three hospitals, three medical clinics, three children's clinics and three women's clinics, two sanitary-epidemiology stations. Nine general schools work within the city school system: three high schools, night-school, special general school-boarding-school. Professional schools include a motor transport technical school, medical college, agrarian lyceum, higher professional technical school № 27, professional school № 34. Liberal education of Kupensk includes three musical schools and two sporting schools, station of young technicians and station of young naturalists. For a children under the age of six child's preschools exist.

Four houses of culture, a regional museum, three city libraries, four stadiums, athletic-health complex, pool for swimming, three parks of culture and a rest house for workers lay within the city limits of Kupensk.

The history of our city lived through a few periods of economic expansion, one of them began at the end of 19th century. Economic progress led to the development of industry, and also the building of a railway which runs through Kupensk.

Large changes in the life of city are related to building of the Kupensk Steel-works factory at the beginning of 1960s. This was a prosperous time for the regional economy, which also enabled the region to provide cities with water, heat, and power mediums. In addition this establishment, provided building auxiliary organizations the opportunity development within Kupensk. This mushroom growth of industry caused an increase in population, that resulted in expansion of social sphere of the city.

Key enterprises, which presently determine the economy of city are groups of enterprises located within the railway knot which is one of most extensive in the east region of Ukraine and enterprise of processing of agricultural products also benefit from the location. Currently there are more than 300 enterprises of different types of ownership and over 3000 sole proprietors are registered within the town.

Famous people

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